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Management Controls is Delivering the Future of Automated Benchmarking

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Compare Key Performance Metrics across your Enterprise Operations 

Management Controls Inc. (MCi), the global leader in contractor spend management, continues to innovate with the launch of their Enterprise Benchmarking offering that enables customers to compare key contractor performance metrics across all enterprise locations. The intelligent platform automatically gathers and standardizes key TRACK Platform KPIs to highlight best practices, uncovering Commercial, Operational, and Business Process value opportunities.


Premium Time Hours & Costs


MCi’s TRACK Platform provides business owners with a comprehensive automated software solution for managing contractor labor, equipment, and materials costs across their enterprise, with proven delivery of 5% to 15% reduction in contractor costs. For over 30 years, companies across a broad range of industries including, Oil & Gas, Metals & Mining, Pulp & Paper, Power Generation, Chemicals, Construction, and Manufacturing have relied on the TRACK Platform to automate contract compliance, eliminate invoice disputes, and prevent erroneous billing. Now, with the addition of Enterprise Benchmarking, companies are driving contractor management excellence across their entire portfolio of sites.

Enterprise Benchmarking enables customers to understand the performance of contractors holistically throughout their enterprise with powerful analytics including Premium Time Hours & Costs, Off-Contract Charges & Cost Impacts, and Procure-to-Pay (P2P) Cycle times. The interactive benchmarking offering enables customers to see the strategic level of a KPI for all sites and then drill down into individual contractor trends across sites to identify the root cause of under or over performance.

“Enterprise Benchmarking is a huge leap forward for organizations seeking portfolio-wide standardization and performance improvements. Benchmarking contractor activity uncovers value and drives collaboration as sites share best practices.” – MCi President, Ken Naughton

This service is truly plug-and-play. No templates, no data gathering, and no interviews are required to get your enterprise up and running. Enterprise Benchmarking delivers full transparency of common KPIs from each location based on 6+ months of your detailed TRACK data. With Enterprise Benchmarking, TRACK sites can instantly collaborate on improvement plans and monitor the impact of improvements as the KPIs are automatically updated.

About Management Controls Inc.

Management Controls, Inc. (MCI) helps companies obtain better visibility, control, and productivity from their contract workforce. MCi's TRACK® Platform provides automated contract compliance as well as a holistic view across their entire labor, equipment and materials spend. TRACK’s real-time data can be proactively applied to optimize performance and safety for routine maintenance, turnarounds, capital projects, and operations. With the powerful addition of MCI’s Insights-as-a-Service and its managed service offering TRACK-as-a-Service (TaaS), companies can leverage MCi’s 30+ years of experience to get even more out of TRACK, as well as identify opportunities to improve site productivity overall.

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