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Track Platform Rental Equipment - TRACK and United Rentals Integration


Management Controls Yanic1

Management Controls, Inc. (MCi) is excited to announce the Phase 1 release of its rental equipment integration with United Rentals. This integration allows for United Rentals equipment invoices to be electronically generated against valid cost objects (Purchase Orders and Work Orders) received from TRACK Platform and sent to the TRACK Platform Material Module for processing. Users then follow the standard TRACK Platform Acceptance and Authorization processes for sending United Rental invoices from TRACK Platform to the customers’ ERP for payment.

This integration enables TRACK Platform owners to streamline their United Rentals invoicing process and manage rental equipment in addition to contractor-owned equipment. Through the increased visibility of rental equipment costs, customers can leverage the data to make better business decisions and optimize their rental equipment usage.

MCi and United Rentals are continuing to work on adding more capability and control on rental equipment. Our objectives in 2020 are to leverage the benefits and controls of the TRACK Platform labor module and apply best practices from the rental equipment industry to enhance the management of rental equipment.


  • Upfront Validation Review - TRACK Platform cost objects (Purchase Orders, Work Orders, etc.) are validated vs. those received by United Rentals when preparing their invoices to ensure they are active and can receive additional charges.
  • Billing Timeliness - Once invoices are prepared using valid cost objects, United Rentals invoices are automatically sent to TRACK Platform on a predefined time interval.
  • Process Efficiency - Customers will no longer have to go into multiple systems to review and process United Rental invoices.
  • Minimum Reconciliation - Reduce re-work and invoice disputes via upfront cost object validation and field approval (TRACK Platform Authorization Process).
  • Timely Spend Visibility - Real-time visibility and/or reporting of United Rentals Equipment costs within TRACK.Platform
  • Manage Equipment Spend - The integration provides customers with a holistic view of total equipment costs by enabling owners to manage equipment spending in one place.

>>Download PDF Here

Interested in adding this functionality into your own TRACK Platform environment? Contact us today to learn more!

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